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On March 16, an Assembly was held to approve the statutes and elect the first management of EngD - Engenharia pela Democracia.

In a vibrant and historic meeting, national engineering leaders from the five regions of Brazil, after months of preparation, debates in the states and virtual events, met to formalize the movement that proposes, "in this year of the bicentennial of our Independence, in which the Brazilian people will regain control of their destiny and resume the full and sovereign democratic path, call on all those who work in the areas of engineering to join the Engineering for Democracy movement and participate in the first EngD Forum, which will debate ideas and proposals and will build convergences and consensuses, to deliver our contribution to the process of recovery and deepening of the redemocratization of Brazil, and rescue of Engineering and National Sovereignty."

The Assembly approved a "Letter to the Brazilian Nation" which is open for signature by the Engineering community (See the 1st Page of the Portal)

Here are some excerpts from the Letter:

"We are professionals from Engineering, Architecture, Geosciences and other related fields of knowledge who interact or work in engineering. We make no distinction of ethnicity, religious creed, gender, affective orientation or political conviction.

The principles that guide us are: Democracy in its social, cultural, economic, political and environmental dimensions; Education in Engineering and National Sovereignty; and socio-environmentally responsible development.

We join the voice of the Nation to put an end to this debacle this year!

Long live Democracy! Long live national engineering!

Long live the union of the Brazilian people!

Out Bolsonaro!



The following were elected for a 3-year term:


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